Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

The core values of the School are central to Pastoral Care at Mosman Prep. Our values are founded on Christian beliefs grounded in Biblical truths, acknowledging that all human beings are valued, and encouraged towards growth and development in all aspects of life under God’s love and sovereignty. The diagram below represents how these core values are embedded in every aspect of school life.

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Having God’s Word as the foundation for living with Jesus Christ as our perfect role model guides our thinking and acting. Integrating the study of God’s Word and the practice of biblical truth in all aspects of school life helps students learn about the meaning and experience of faith.

Having an attitude of caring for others before our own needs. Understanding that in a reciprocal way our cares and concerns will be addressed as part of our caring for others.

Promoting and encouraging each student’s learning through individualised and personalised approaches enables positive experiences and outcomes in all facets of school life.

Promoting respect and celebration for the individual, building affirmation and encouragement in relating to one another, taking responsibility for one’s self in relating with others.

Fostering healthy Pastoral Care including self-respect and gratitude towards self and others. The school seeks to foster a safe environment where individual needs can be met in a caring and sensitive manner.

Building a healthy understanding of and ability to look after one’s body and mind through education, activities, role modelling and personal guidance.