Outdoor Learning Programs

It is well known that outdoor education has many benefits for a boy’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It can build confidence, protect against mental health issues, stimulate enjoyment, and improve memory and concentration in the classroom.

At Mosman Prep, all children from Early Entry to Year 6 spend time at our Outdoor Learning Centre in Terrey Hills, utilising the sporting fields, low ropes obstacle course, BMX facilities, kitchen garden and cooking program. 

Important considerations for boys’ learning such as relevance, connection, experimentation and manipulation can be maximised. Alongside solid foundations in literacy and numeracy, important life skills, including collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, digital literacy and global citizenship are developed.

With a focus on connecting and learning beyond the traditional classroom, we understand and prepare your son for the complexities of living in today’s and tomorrow’s worlds. Students return from Terrey Hills inspired, enriched and refreshed.